
2007-11-11 Sun


Our Society for Research in Chinese Architecture (OSRCA), or Ziren Xueshe in Chinese pinyin, established in Aug. 2006, is an interest group which studies ancient Chinese architecture. Based on the Internet platform, the society is comprised of people with deep interest in ancient architecture. With love for ancient Chinese culture as the common background and without distinctions of occupation, age or sex, members of the society connect with and study together with all people who love art, architecture, history or ancient Chinese culture.

OSRCA’s aim is to preserve the existent ancient architecture in China. On the basis of studying ancient architecture of different ages in China, the society organizes casual field trips to collect, file and supplement related material. OSRCA regards collecting and filing the material on remaining ancient Chinese architecture as its duty. Furthermore, the society devotes itself to influencing more people to realize the beauty and achievement of ancient Chinese architecture and the essence of ancient Chinese culture, bringing them the feeling of pride as a Chinese.

Activities of the society are made up of two parts. The first part consists of study of, field trips to and verfication of ancient architecture and related cultural phenomena. Participants are regular society members and experts who exchange and share ideas and experience the trips. The second part is the promotion and publicity of ancient architecture, focusing on lectures and field work.

OSRCA members are composed of two groups: ordinary members and core members. People who love ancient architecture constitute the group of ordinary members. Any person who participates in activities of the society, actively promotes awareness on and acts to preserve ancient architecture can sign up as a member of OSRCA. Core members, ancient architecture enthusiasts who are willing to offer their service and have a reasonable level of knowledge in ancient architecture, serve society members. Any ordinary member who considers himself/herself qualified can apply to become a core member and approval of such an application requires votes in favor from more than half of the core members.

"Ziren", which refers to carpenters in ancient China, is the goal of our life-time efforts. "Xueshe" is a tribute paid to the Society for Research in Chinese Architecture (SRCA), or Yingzao Xueshe in pinyin, the most renowned architecture group in China. With the guidance of the academic spirit of SRCA in the course of study, OSRCA adopts steady, down-to-earth, precise and earnest manners. The English name of Ziren Xueshe is Our Society for Research in Chinese Architecture (OSRCA). Society for Research in Chinese Architecture (SRCA) is the English name of Yingzao Xueshe. We add "Our" at the front to express our heartfelt will to learn from SRCA.

OSRCA welcomes all people with love for ancient architecture and ancient Chinese culture to join us. Let's together feel the splendid beauty of ancient Chinese architecture and the pride as a Chinese! Let's endeavor to preserve the once glorious architecture!


阿印于 2007-11-11 21:54:01 发表在分类:梓人留念
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